Important COVID Antidote
Hello to all of those who chose to read this article even after reading the title. Despite the government - both state and central, issuing us various warnings and doing their best in implementing the countermeasures possible, we still fail to understand the gravity of the current situation and that is the reason I thought of curating the posts not just based upon on Whatsapp forwards but also real factual data.
We all know that India stands second when it comes to the race of the population preceded by China and followed by the United States of America. However, we all know the names of the major countries that have been severely affected by the Coronavirus aka COVID-19.
So I just tried to list down all the countries with their current population count:
- China - 1,439,323,776
- India - 1,380,004,385
- US - 331,002,651
- Italy - 60,461,826
This is how the countries rank in terms of population and all of these have actually been affected by the virus. Now, let us also take a look at the density i.e. the person/km2 of each of these countries
- China - 153 person/km2
- India - 464 person/km2
- US - 36 person/km2
- Italy - 206 person/km2
As we can see, India has the highest density i.e. a lot of people staying nearer to each other within less area. Now, let's just take a minute here that if these countries with lesser density could be affected so much and could not curtail the spread of the virus, how fast will the virus propagate if it starts spreading around the whole of India?
All these countries have a bigger area and better health facilities to manage the huge amount of people falling sick. However, there did come a point wherein they had to decide which patients to save and which not to because they could not sustain the massive growth in the number of cases and thus all of this led to nothing but an increasing number of death cases.
However, there is always some light in all the darkness. If we look at the median age of these countries, there might be some positivity, which is as shown below:
- China - 38
- India - 28
- US - 38
- Italy - 47
Nearly half of our population is of the age 28 and below and COVID-19 is majorly known for affecting the people with weaker immune systems and an array of diseases ie. the elderly or the senior citizens.
However, this does not mean it won't cause the harm it intends to, in our country. We all could be the victim or the vector to this virus. As a vector, we might propagate it to people who might not have the immunity to fight it and thus, die.
I get that isolation, quarantine and social distancing is hard. It takes a toll on everything we hold dear. We don't get to go out, meet friends, earn, support the economy, hug the people we love.
But all three of them is the only solution we have to the virus until we come across the drug that cures it. And as a generation that is meant to be strong and tough, I guess we can do this. We can do our bit and stay home. Not every day will we get the opportunity to stay home and sleep and do whatever we wish to, so let's make the most of it and take this pandemic seriously, if not for you then maybe your family and the nation as a whole.
*All the data was taken from the site - worldometers.com. You can check for authenticity.
Stay safe.
Stay home.
Vidhi Parikh
I write and talk about almost everything from tech to fiction. It differs from how much interest the topic holds. What do you want to talk about over coffee?