Why written communication between Engineering Team are Important
The current times have been equivalently testing and taxing. They forced us to try things we’ve never tried and find newer ways to do things that have usually been done traditionally before. We’ve all been there at the place wherein we were doing some X task from home – working from home, learning from home, etc. While this was the current way out to keep the businesses running, it also demanded for a lot of newer technologies and techniques to be incorporated for the smooth functioning of the business.
While working in teams lets you grow on a lot of skills like team spirit and patience, it still ends going through a lot of miscommunications and verbal combat or even pointing fingers at each other when things go south. However, we cannot let these hamper us and prevent us from working in teams right? But what we can do is collaborate on the part wherein we get to the roots of where the problems like miscommunication and pointing fingers stem out and work our way through them while figuring out their optimal solutions. Engineering cannot be restricted to how well you perform the task at hand but it is an incorporation of that with your soft skills.
Here are a few reasons why written communication is the need of the hour for engineering teams:
1. Increase the team productivity
- With the help of written communication, it becomes easier to keep a track of what tasks exist and how each individual keeps on making progress through those tasks. It can act like an effective task tracker that can help in keeping the whole team in loop about what is happening within them. When the team sees that there is some particular task that some team member is stuck with, the rest can volunteer in to help with their expertise and that can in turn aid to take the tasks at hand towards completion.
2. Teams take ownership of tasks
- When the team sees a list of tasks, they can each select the tasks that they are well acquainted with and then take ownership of leading those to the finish line. This helps in finishing the projects faster as the team gets to choose what they like and eventually finish those on time or before time too.
3. Clear channel of communication
- Written channels serve us with a lot of clarity while working in teams. It is easier to communicate within the teams while having a common channel for the same. You can use different tools like Slack, MS Teams, Trello, etc. to communicate within the team. These support sharing different multimedia with between users and that leads to better clarity.
4. Written communication is the tomorrow
- The importance of written communication cannot be underrated. You have to properly communicate your clients’ expectations, workflows, timelines, products and services. Making yourself understood in business is crucial to your success and your colleagues.
More than the future of work being remote, I think the future of work is written. It is encouraging for every engineering team to write more. It can help the team to think collectively, decide, learn and grow as a team.

Himanshu Thakkar
"LIVE as if you were to DIE tomorrow, LEARN as if you were to live forever..." Forever a student of technology. A programmer who fixes problems that you don’t know you have, in a way you don’t understand.