Niraj Bhatija
- TSEC - UBS - 2022 Passout
I remember before attending the first lecture of C programming at study link I was unaware of study link's quality education and after attending it, I was pretty impressed and was encouraging everyone to join the class. Study Link had not only helped me in improving my technical skills but also helped me place my efforts in the right direction. Mentors at study link had also given various life lessons for proving yourself and staying motivated in tough situations. I want to thank all the mentors of the study link for being with me throughout this journey. Bcoz of the study link, I can proudly say that I'm an Engineer with skills not only a student with a degree
Sakshi Sheth
- KJSCE | IT - LTI - 2021 Passout
It's not just like a regular class, here the professors focus on providing practical knowledge, guidance and support throughout. Its a place where you would learn how to think, and apply concepts along with developing a strong base foundation. The professors here help us to balance between theoretical academics and practical real world knowledge.
Study Link developed me as a confident person, one who knows how to work in teams through the hackathons conducted by them, made me vocal by respecting my opinion in the lectures and I feel this is something that helped me crack the interviews. Study Link has worked on all the factors that will help me thrive the corporate world like providing practical knowledge, clearing my doubts. I am grateful and blessed to have mentors who are still guiding me even after my 6 years of engineering journey at Study Link.
Hence, Study Link has always been my family and will be!
Mohit Nagpal
- TSEC | Comps - Ugam - 2021 Passout
I am proud to say Study Link has played an integral part of my engineering journey. It has been my second home, where I not only learnt about the curriculum but also learnt the real life implementations which enhanaced my learning experience. Each and every lecture taught by the mentors aided the development of my overall skills. Mentors here at Study Link provide us with unique perspective to our problems and they stand by our side always at each and every phase of learning. They always focus on teaching core concepts and imparting practical knowledge in their students. Study Link has uplifted my confidence and has helped me improve my communication skills.
I would like to thank the entire Study Link team for providing such support and guidance throughout.
Dev Thakkar
- SIES GST | IT - Dark Horse Digital - 2021 Passout
My experience with Study Link has been mind-blowing. I cannot be more grateful for being a student here. Being a part of Study Link helped me gain knowledge, skills and experience in communication, problem solving and management. You will feel the change in yourself.
The mentors reinforced my understanding of the topic and helped me to clarify what’s still unclear or instances where I am going wrong or misunderstood the topic. I was able to clarify all the questions I had right away. The mentors always motivated everyone to stay on track with our studies and also practical knowledge. And last but not the least, I was able to apply all the knowledge that I've learnt in real life too.
Pankaj Wadhvani
- TSEC | Comps - Billdesk - 2021 Passout
For any building, its base is very important and Study Link builds the base of engineering strongly. Study Link focuses more on practical knowledge rather than theoretical knowledge.
At Study Link, we create many projects using different technologies. The faculties here conduct hackathons that made me a team player and helped me thrive in my communication. Professors at Study Link make you feel comfortable so that you can ask your doubts. Study Link inspires and supports you to learn new things.
Thank you Study Link for your constant support.
Tarun Kachhela
- TSEC | Comps - Dolat Capital - 2021 Passout
My journey at Study Link was incredible. I have not only learned the curriculum part but have also learned a lot of things. SL has also played a significant role in nurturing me. Before joining I was a little less confident and also not good at communication. SL not only boosted my technical knowledge but also helped me to boost my confidence and improve my communication skills. The faculty here believes that students should have hands-on practical knowledge. At Study Link, they conduct hackathons that made me understand the importance of teamwork. Thankyou for each one of them to help me in my journey to success.
Rohit Methwani
- TSEC | Comps - Thence Design Studio - 2021 Passout
Back in 2016 when I was in diploma, I used to hear a lot of amazing things about Study Link from my batchmates. This developed an urge to be at that amazing classes(#sl). I had never seen such kind of class where professors are more than just mentors, they are family. Each and every faculty here are legit a call away from solving your doubts/issues. Faculty here support every decision you make, due to that I not only learnt the syllabus but also learnt how to enrich the hidden skills and talent; be it in any field. With the help, confidence, support that the Study Link team showered me with, I managed to achieve everything I wanted. I have not just made memories, but have found a lifetime family and this has proved to me that
“Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara; Guru Sakshat Parabramha Tasmayi Shri Guruve Namah”. Thank you :)
Nikhil Nagdev
- VESIT | Comps - Cyberinc - 2021 Passout
Study Link is the powerhouse of knowledge. Study Link has helped me grow not only as a student but also as a person. Mentors here teach you not just the bookish knowledge but their practical applications as well. Solving real-life problems to understand subjects better is the most essential part here. Study Link is beyond just good grades, they even train you for interviews and groom you for the professional world. The constant support and motivation from mentors have helped me to develop a deeper understanding of technologies, which helps a lot during interviews. Apart from technical knowledge, you will also get to learn many life lessons here.
I would like to thank the entire Study Link team, without them nothing would have been possible. I am glad to be a part of Study Link.
Gaurav Punjabi
- Interactive Brokers - KJSCE | IT - 2021 Passout
It has been 5 years since I have joined Study Link, it assisted me with having a solid hold on my basics. They not only helped me in my curricular activities but also showed me the right track for my career, helped me realize what a good engineer is and how I can become one. With proper mentoring and help from Study Link, I’ve unlocked this achievement and I anticipate making more recollections and venturing up the stepping stair of progress. During my communication with these individuals, I continued learning new things and picked up industry presentations wherein I figured out how to function in a team in hackathons led here.
Thank you to the team of Study Link for constant support. Joining Study Link was genuinely one of the best decisions of my professional career.
Riyush Motwani
- TSEC | Comps - Barclays - 2021 Passout
Study Link imbibes much-needed professionalism in their students by bridging the vast gap between the knowledge provided by the academics and the one required to thrive in the corporate world. Communication was a big problem for me, which was precisely acknowledged by the mentors here during our lectures. Time and again, they helped me to push past my limits and encouraged me to be vocal about my opinions. The mentors here always made sure that we students are not just prepared to be evaluated academically, but also by an interviewer. Cracking the interview wouldn't have been possible without them prioritizing the preparation for the corporate world alongside the academic scores. I express my gratitude to the most amazing mentors at Study Link a student can ask for.
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